Classroom programs

High-quality programs for schools in our service area

LES subject matter experts will take students through fun and informative presentations including electricity basics, electrical safety, high-voltage demonstrations and more. All programs are designed with Nebraska state standards in mind. Read about each program below and then request a visit to your school

Educational programs
Electricity basics

Hands working with circuitSnap circuit lesson

Learning objectives: Construct and design simple circuits, differentiate between a series and parallel circuit, classify different materials as conductors or nonconductors and determine/assess the dangers of electricity.

Students will:

  • Actively engage in scientific practices to deepen their understanding of the core ideas in the field of energy.
  • Get an overview of how and when circuits become unsafe in their daily lives.

Wind turbine demoWind turbine lesson

Learning objectives: Learn how engineers transform wind energy into electrical energy by building their own miniature wind turbines and measuring the electrical current they produce.

Students will:

  • Construct and design a wind turbine using a CD and construction paper.
  • Explore how design and position affect electrical energy production.
Electrical safety

LES employee demonstrating high voltageHigh-voltage trailer
Learning objectives: Experience the dangers of electricity first-hand with a safety demonstration by LES line technicians using REAL power via a trailer to teach electricity basics and safety.

Students will:

  • Discuss how electricity is generated and distributed.
  • See how electricity always seeks a path to the ground.
  • Even see a hot dog fry on a live power line!


High-voltage table top demoHigh-voltage tabletop demo
Learning objectives: Experience the dangers of electricity first-hand with a smaller safety demonstration by LES line technicians using REAL power via a tabletop exercise to teach electricity basics and safety.

Students will:

  • Discuss how electricity is generated and distributed.
  • See how electricity always seeks a path to the ground.


Kids doing Hazard Hamlet demoHazard Hamlet
Learning objectives: Safety demonstration uses realistic graphics and special effects to teach electricity basics and safety.

Students will:

  • Witness interactive scenes filled with electrical arcs and sparks.
  • Classify different materials as conductors or nonconductors and determine dangers of electricity.
Efficiency and renewables

Girl participating in JeopardyEnergy-Efficiency Jeopardy
Learning objectives: The presenter will leverage an interactive Jeopardy-style game to engage students in learning about energy generation, distribution and renewable energy resources.

Students will:

  • Answer questions using fun facts, photos and illustrations to encourage discussion and competition among peers.


Tiny House InteriorEducational, Interactive Tiny House

LES' Educational, Interactive Tiny House (EdITH) shows students how to make smart, sustainable energy choices such as learning things about solar power and how to choose the right insulation, water heater or light bulbs for their home. It features interactive displays that show sustainable energy technologies included in the LES Sustainable Energy Program and LES Peak Rewards.

LES is working with Lincoln area schools to identify events for EdITH to attend! Email [email protected] for more information.

More Resources

Click on each tab below to learn more innovative and motivational ways to explore electricity, energy and the environment.

    Electric safety
    Science of electricity & energy
    Energy efficiency & sustainability