LES decarbonization goal

Net zero by 2040

After participating in a yearlong educational series on establishing a new carbon reduction goal and soliciting public opinion, the LES Administrative Board in November 2020 adopted a robust decarbonization goal. This new goal will aim to eliminate or offset LES’ carbon dioxide production from our generation portfolio by 2040, in line with the city’s Climate Action Plan — a citywide goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.

We need to do our part. You, too, can make an impact. Let's go!

What we're doing

We've made great strides in transitioning our resource portfolio to more sustainable sources. We increased renewable energy production from the equivalent of 9% of retail sales in 2010 to 45% in 2023*, simultaneously reducing CO2 emissions by 46% over the same period.

We promote sustainability through customer-facing programs like incentivized rates for customer-owned solar and virtual net metering that allows customers to buy “virtual” panels at the local community solar facility, and by offering multiple energy-efficiency and demand reduction incentives and opportunities.

*LES is selling the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with its applicable resources and the renewable attributes are transferred to the REC recipient.

LES wind turbine
Moving forward

LES' decarbonization goal may have first been established in 2020, but we started taking key steps toward meeting the goal as far back as 2010. The ultimate path and pace to achieving this aggressive goal remains to be seen, but it must be balanced by a continued commitment to maintain high electric system reliability, environmental stewardship, a fiscally responsible focus that carefully considers financial impacts to all customers — especially LES customers with low and fixed incomes — consideration of existing contractual obligations and advancements in generation, energy storage, carbon capture technologies and other emerging solutions.

Snapshot of what we're doing

Chart showing LES' portfolio CO2 rate since 2010
Our renewable footprint today

Over the last decade-plus, our renewable footprint has grown significantly. LES’ nameplate resource portfolio — the full capacity of our generation fleet — is diversified with renewable sources (hydro, solar, wind and landfill gas) accounting for 34% of the power we can generate, while natural gas accounts for 35% and coal 31%.

Pie chart showing use of renewables, gas and coal
What you can do