Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) were created to help customers prioritize the use of renewable energy resources. One REC legally conveys the environmental attributes of one megawatt-hour of electricity generated from renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power facilities. Purchasing RECs helps to support renewables and allows REC holders to officially claim their energy was sourced from 100% renewable energy.
2025 REC price is $0.00206/kWh
LES customers can purchase RECs for pennies on the MWh (fractions of a penny per kilowatt-hour). LES sells each REC without markup, and while supplies last, LES matches each REC purchased by a customer with a free REC from our federal hydropower allocation. LES' hydropower RECs cannot be resold but may be retired on behalf of an LES customer. With the match, the REC price translates to about $1/month for an average Lincoln-area home. LES will update the REC price annually (in January) based on the latest market projections. There is also a one-time enrollment fee of $10 added to your next bill.