
// Get prepared during Severe Weather Awareness Week

LINCOLN — Nebraskans are no stranger to severe weather, as the last few weeks have shown. While the latest storm’s snow has already melted, Nebraska Severe Weather Awareness Week, March 24-28, serves as an important and timely reminder for the community to prepare before the next storm strikes.

Lincoln Electric System is asking customers to use the following tips to help ensure they’re prepared if the power goes out due to severe weather:

  • Create a...
// LES customers asked to provide feedback on LES’ direction
LINCOLN — Lincoln Electric System is calling on its customers to take a brief online survey to help inform the utility’s strategic planning process.
// LES customers’ reduced energy consumption equals that of 15,000 homes

LINCOLN — Lincoln Electric System customers have reduced the community’s net annual energy consumption by 147,000 megawatt-hours, the equivalent of the annual energy consumption of more than 15,000 homes, over 15 years through LES’ Sustainable Energy Program (SEP). 
The utility’s SEP offers financial incentives to promote energy efficiency, reduce wasted energy and provide customers with options to take a more active role in helping manage electricity demand for the entire service area.

// LES sees uptick in customers reporting scams

LINCOLN — Lincoln Electric System has seen a recent increase in the number of customers reporting scams related to the utility. LES asks customers to stay alert, as scams are more common during the holiday season.

The most recent scam reported involved customers receiving phone calls from a bad actor posing as LES, threatening to disconnect power within an hour if payment was not made.

“LES never contacts you via phone to disconnect services or...

// LES provides South 56th Street project update

LINCOLN — Lincoln Electric System has announced that the utility will begin the second phase of its South 56th Street Reliability Project in November, with moving lane closures on 56th Street that temporarily close individual lanes but allow traffic to pass through the work zone.

The South 56th Street Reliability Project demonstrates LES’ commitment to continuously improving service and reliability across the service territory. This project takes place along South 56th Street, from Everett Street...


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Environmental Protection Agency approval for <50 PPM PCB remediation waste disposal

American Public Power Association member utilities, including Lincoln Electric System, received approval from the Environmental Protection Agency in September 2017 to dispose of polychlorinated biphenyl remediation waste generated at secure utility assets with as-found PCB concentrations less than 50 parts per million pursuant to 40 CFR 761.61(c). Links below have disposal location information.

The approval allows the disposal of PCB remediation waste with as-found concentrations of <50 ppm PCBs in non-TSCA approved landfill facilities, including municipal solid waste landfills as defined by Condition 9 of the approval as stated:

"Under these Approvals, PCB Remediation Wastes with as-found concentrations of <50 ppm PCB may be disposed of in any of the following facilities subject to state and local regulations regarding such disposal:

  1. Facilities permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to manage municipal solid waste subject to 40 CFR Part 258
  2. Facilities permitted, licensed, or registered by a state to manage non-municipal non-hazardous waste subject to 40 CFR section 257.5-.257.30, as applicable, with the exception of any such unit that manages liquid wastes including pits, ponds, and lagoons;
  3. Hazardous waste landfills permitted by EPA under section 3004 of RCRA, or by a state authorized under section 3006 of RCRA.”

Environmental Protection Agency risk-based PCB disposal notification (Feb. 6, 2018)

Environmental Protection Agency approval to LES to dispose of PCB remediation waste (Sept. 28, 2017)

APPA Risk-Based Disposal Approval Notification (Oct. 23, 2024)