Enroll in paperless billing today!

PaperLESS for MOREconvenience + MOREgreen

You keep track of a heap of stuff. Your daily to-do list is less like a list and more like a small novel. Here’s an idea to help you clear some of the clutter from that list, from your overstuffed brain and from that mountain of paper on your kitchen table: Enroll today in LES paperless billing

When you paper less, you get more convenience. Once enrolled, you'll get an email or text each month with your due date and amount, and then you can pay it 24/7 from anywhere and even enroll in recurring payments. No misplacing the bill, plus you can get due-date reminders so you're right on time. One less stamp — one less mailbox run. Small step, big assist! Ahh, your brain just breathed a sigh of relief. And when you paper less, you help our environment too — now that's more green!

Go to the LES online system and SIGN IN if you already have an online account, or CREATE ACCOUNT if you don’t yet have one. Then opt in to Paperless Billing to make the switch!


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