Public Power

LES is a public power utility, meaning we are not for profit and locally owned and governed. Being community-owned means that YOU — our customers — own us and community members serve on our Board to make policy decisions and provide direction that makes us successful. Customers have the opportunity to provide input through public meetings and Board meetings. We really are made up of local people making decisions toward a brighter energy future for our community.

Nebraska is special. It’s an all-public-power state – the only one in the US!

Every electric utility in the Cornhusker state is consumer-owned and not owned by private investor-owned corporations. The value proposition of public power is as valid today as it was in 1933 when the Legislature created this unique business model.


Public power benefits you

Employee in the communityAs an all-public-power state, every electric utility is owned by the public (think local and community-owned) and not by private corporations.

Being locally and community-owned has many benefits. It allows money to stay in Nebraska, going back to our economy; gives customers the opportunity to make local decisions about their public power utility; gives more Nebraskans jobs; and ultimately enables employees to live, work and play here.

Our commitment to the community is shown through a multitude of ways:

  • Educational programs we provide schools.
  • Employees' involvement in the community.
  • Sustainability efforts to keep Lincoln a clean place to live.

Learn more about our commitment to our community


Lincoln skylineAccording to data collected from our annual Competitive Market Study, LES is one of the most efficient electric utilities in the country, and we work hard to maintain that distinction. In fact, our overall all-in prices* are the 8th lowest in the country, according to the nationwide study of 87 cities based on 2022 EIA data. Since LES is a public power utility, we pay dividends to our customers-owners in the form of lower rates. LES customers save hundreds of dollars a year on electricity compared to most residents in the U.S.

  • LES customers spend an average of only $2.99 a day to electrify their lives, powering their homes and everything in them (2023). More at
  • LES’ rates give us the distinction of residential all-in prices ranked the 1st lowest price in the nation.

Every day, we make choices, negotiate deals and look for ways to reduce costs so that power is affordable for everyone in our community.

*All-in price is the price of electricity determined by dividing LES’ retail revenue by the retail sales of electricity to determine the cents/kWh.

Learn more about our rates


LineworkerWe know that providing dependable power is essential for everyday life. Electricity makes life as we know it possible. At LES, we are honored to provide this invisible driving force, delivering electricity where it’s needed most. 

  • Overall, we continue to maintain our outstanding service reliability of 99.99%.
  • The average outage time per customer in 2023 was 19.1 minutes, which is 85% lower than the five-year national average of 123 minutes.

We’re committed to keeping power flowing at all times, constantly reducing risks and resolving interruptions quickly. By providing reliable and safe electric services, LES maintained its Reliable Public Power Provider, Diamond Level, status from the American Public Power Association.

Visit our outage center to learn more


LES solar facilityWe’re proud of the culture of sustainability we’ve created while serving the Lincoln area, and it’s part of why we stand tall within the industry. We started promoting conservation and energy efficiency back in the early 1970s, and we’ve continued to provide programs and partnerships that empower you to become a smart energy consumer.

  • Net-zero carbon emissions by 2040: After participating in a yearlong educational series on establishing a new carbon reduction goal and soliciting public opinion, the LES Administrative Board in November 2020 adopted a decarbonization goal. This new goal will aim to eliminate or offset LES’ carbon dioxide production from our generation portfolio by 2040, in line with the city’s Climate Action Plan — a citywide goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050.
  • Sustainable Energy Program: LES disbursed approximately $2 million in Sustainable Energy Program funds in 2023 to incent more than 5,600 energy-efficiency projects, reducing projected peak demand by a net of 5.9 megawatts and 7,800 megawatt-hours annually.
  • LES Peak Rewards: This demand response program uses smart thermostats to reduce the electrical demand on the system during peak times. More than 1,200 additional customers enrolled their smart thermostats in the Peak Rewards program in 2023. Since its launch in 2017, the program now has 3,600 customers and 4,000 thermostats enrolled, representing 4.13 megawatts of controllable load.
  • LES sustainable living activities: Join us for our Sustainability Series! Discover ways to reduce your carbon footprint and improve the environment, and learn about our goal to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide production from LES’ generation portfolio by 2040 and ways to help with our decarbonization efforts. More at

As a public power utility, we strive to make decisions that align with the values of those we serve, balancing high standards of reliability and cost-effectiveness with sustainability. You can make an impact by participating in one of our many sustainable energy programs.

Learn more about our sustainability programs

By the numbers
Energy production from renewable resources is equivalent to
of retail sales (2023)

LES is selling the Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) associated with its applicable resources and the renewable attributes are transferred to the REC recipient.

Lowest price in the nation (2022)

All-in price is the price of electricity determined by dividing LES’ retail revenue by the retail sales of electricity to determine the cents/kWh.

For only $2.99* a day, we power your moments — big and small

Life is full of memorable moments. You may not see us, but we are here, powering the moments that matter. Dreams made sweeter by nightlight, laughter around the dinner table, the smells of freshly baked cookies and coffee brewing, 10 more minutes of basketball under the lights. All for only $2.99 a day.


*Average residential all-in price x average residential daily energy use

Value campaign graphic
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Proud member of the Nebraska Power Association

Nebraska is 100% public power. The value proposition of public power is as valid today as it was in 1933 when the Legislature created this unique business model.

Nebraska Power Association

Proud member of the American Public Power Association

The American Public Power Association is the voice of not-for-profit, community-owned utilities that power 2,000 towns and cities nationwide.

American Public Power Association